PhysioPilates Academy

Contact Us

How can I join a PhysioPilates classes?

If you have any questions or are interested in joining one of our general Pilates classes please contact Amanda using the contact form below to find out more about availability. Please include  a little bit of information about how much Pilates experience you already have and your health background so that we can guide you towards the most suitable class.  If you have a preference for North or South Cambridge classes please let me know.

Introductory Sessions

If you have not done Pilates before you will need to attend an introductory session before joining a group class so that you can learn the basic principles and check that a class will be suitable for you.  These are arranged with Amanda (£55 for an hour).

For Antenatal or Postnatal classes please contact Maria Dean of Contento Pilates directly, through her own website

I am a pupil already – how can I reschedule my class?

Though we are unable to offer refunds for missed classes or holidays,  we do offer the option to re-schedule a class that you cannot attend.  You can do this  through our booking portal MindBodyonline:

CLICK HERE to access your personal schedule on Mindbody

Or you can download the Mindbody app to your tablet/mobile:



Contact form

Before you click “send” you will need to type the CAPTCHA letters or numerals into the box to protect the site from spam.

You should receive an answer to your email within 48 hours but we did have a recent glitch with this form.  If you don’t hear from us please do call 01223 841968.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message
